About Me

Hey there!
Welcome, in case you don't know me already my name is Pedro G. Galaviz. I created this site in order to share some of my thoughts & interests with the world (more likely 2-3 people that randomly find it haha).
Some facts about me:
- I was born and live in Guadalajara, Mexico.
- I'm 34 years old.
- I'm a musician, a guitarist to be more specific, used to play in a band called Vida Boulevard, you can still listen to our music on Spotify or YouTube.
- I LOVE Mexican food!
- I've visited 17 countries and counting (wish I have time to visit more).
- I've always loved architecture, art and design in general. I proudly live in a house I designed.
- Circumstances lead me to create a website about 8 years ago, since then I was hooked by Web Development & Programming in general.
- I've created web apps for companies in Mexico, Europe & USA.
- I currently work as a Senior Software Engineer.
- I've worked at companies like Appcues, BlockFi, Brightcove, Erlang Solutions & others.
- I've worked with laguages such as JavaScript, Ruby, Elixir, Erlang, and a little of Go.
- I'm an avid learner, I can't sleep without knowing I learned something new, for real!
- My favorite author is the italian Umberto Eco.
- I love herps (Reptiles & Amphibians), especially vipers, currently I have over 24 and 2 Gila Monsters.
- I'm looking forward to develop & launch some of my tech ideas in a future.
- I'm an introvert (not to be confused with timid).
- I can speak 3 languages. (sort of haha)
I'm always looking for a conversation, so if you have anything to tell me, suggest or ask you can always contact me on Twitter, Github, Instagram or send me an email to hello@pggalaviz.com.
So, after all these boring facts and introduction, you can expect some posts about tech, design, music and some personal thoughts; some in English, some in Spanish. You can visit the blog section here.