Elixir is a functional programming language with built in concurrency based on the actor model, this creates an easy way to parallelize work as a side effect. The main unit for achieving concurrency are Elixir’s processes. These are not OS processes, they are lightweight units with separate contexts, they don’t share any memory, they run isolated from each other, which leads to fault tolerance: if a process crashes it shouldn’t affect other processes, our app or the whole system.

Processes can be created with the spawn/1 function, they can communicate with other processes by sending and receiving messages, these are stored in the process’ mailbox, and processes can compute them in the order they arrived.

The simplest process will be created, it will compute it’s function and then it will be destroyed, allowing garbage collector to clean the memory the process once occupied. Elixir programs can and often run millions of these processes.

Sometimes we need processes to run longer, theoretically forever, these processes are created just as any other process, but they relay on recursion to keep running even when they’ve computed their function once. These type of processes are called Server Processes.

Enter Server Processes

Server processes allow our programs to have an inmemory state, this state can be a constant or it can be mutated (even the state is mutated, functional programming and immutability characteristics are working behind). Let’s see this in action by creating a simple CLI Todo List (Elixir/Erlang have a helper for implementing Server Processes called GenServer but we won’t use it here).

First let’s create a file called todo.exs and on this file we’ll create 2 modules: TodoServer and TodoList. The first one will have our server process implementation, and the sencond one will have our data abstraction (Todo Lists).

# todo.exs
defmodule TodoServer do

defmodule TodoList do

The Todo List

For the sake of simplicity I’ll add the TodoList implementation, comments should help understand what is going on.

It’s always recommended to keep our data abstractions in a separate module, and to follow all functional programming workflow.

# todo.exs


defmodule TodoList do
  # Define a struct, todos will be collected on a Map
  # A numerical ID will be given to each todo :next
  defstruct todos: Map.new, next: 1

  # Each todo item will be a Map, this is how it should look:
  # %{date: {2017, 06, 20}, title: "This is a todo!"}

  # Initialize a new Todo List, a list with todos can be entered
  # defaults to a blank list and adds each element to the struct: %TodoList{}
  def new(todos \\ []) do
    Enum.reduce(todos, %TodoList{}, &add_todo(&2, &1))

  # Add a new item to the list
  def add_todo(%TodoList{todos: todos, next: next} = list, todo) do
    # Add  the next numerical ID to the entry
    todo = Map.put(todo, :id, next)
    new_todos = Map.put(todos, next, todo)
    # Return updated list and updates next ID number
    %TodoList{list | todos: new_todos, next: next + 1}

  # Return all todos with specific 'date'
  def todos(%TodoList{todos: todos}, date) do
    |> Stream.filter(fn({_, todo}) ->
        todo.date == date
    |> Enum.map(fn({_, todo}) ->

  # Update an existing todo, an ID and updater function is required
  def update_todo(%TodoList{todos: todos} = list, todo_id, updater) do
    case todos[todo_id] do
      nil -> list
      old_todo ->
        # Call the updater function on the entry
        new_todo =  updater.(old_todo)
        # Update Todo List with the updated entry
        new_todos = Map.put(todos, new_todo.id, new_todo)
        # Return updated list
        %TodoList{list | todos: new_todos}

  # Delete a specific todo from list, requires an ID
  def delete_todo(%TodoList{todos: todos} = list, todo_id) do
    new_todos = Map.delete(todos, todo_id)
    # Return updated list
    %TodoList{list | todos: new_todos}

The Server Process

Now we can implement our Server Process. It’s easier if we divide it in two parts:


The client section will have all the functions that are accesible out of our module, we can call these functions from another process (such as IEx) to get the server functionality.

Let’s start by creating the start function, when called, this function will create a new process, call the loop function (we’ll create it later) and will delegate to the TodoList module the creation of a new list as the starting server’s state. Calling this function will return a PID (Process ID) that we can keep in a variable for using it later: server_pid = TodoServer.start.

# todo.exs
defmodule TodoServer do
  def start do
    spawn(fn -> loop(TodoList.new) end)

Now let’s create the add_todo function, this one will send a message to the server’s mailbox with the following structure: {:add_todo, todo}. We can send a new entry to our previously created server by calling:

iex(1)> TodoServer.add_todo(server_pid, %{date: {2017, 06, 20}, title: "I'm a new

The function should look like this:

# todo.exs
defmodule TodoServer do
  def add_todo(server_pid, todo) do
    send(server_pid, {:add_todo, todo})

In the same way we can create the update_todo and the delete_todo functions:

# todo.exs
defmodule TodoServer do
  def update_todo(server_pid, todo_id, updater_function) do
    send(server_pid, {:update_todo, todo_id, updater_function})
  def delete_todo(server_pid, todo_id) do
    send(server_pid, {:delete_todo, todo_id})

Notice that to call these we need to pass parameters such as the todo ID or the updater function.

All these previous functions can help us modify our Todo List instance asynchronously, let’s say we call them from iex, even they spend 10 senconds to complete, our iex process won’t be blocked and we would be able to continue working as spected, the work is happening concurrently on the Server Process.

Now, let’s implement 2 different functions, these will run synchronously because they’ll expect a response from the server. To run something synchronously in Elixir, we should manually create the functionality using it’s asynchronous message passing. Lets say process A needs a response from server B, then A should send a message to B wich will compute what requested and then send A another message with the response. While B is working, A is blocked waiting for a response. This is exactly what we’ll do.

The todos function will return all entries with the same date (passed in the arguments), while the list function will return our complete Todo List instance. Both functions when called will send a message to the server, however the caller’s PID (such as IEx’s) will be passed via the self/0 function.

Just after these functions are called and the message to the server is sent, they wait to receive a response message and then return that message to the caller process. These functions will block the caller (remember they run synchronously) until a response is received. In order to rescue our caller process from a permanent blocking if a failure occurs or the message passed can’t be pattern matched we can use the after clause and return an error as the message.

Functions should look like this:

# todo.exs
defmodule TodoServer do
  def todos(server_pid, date)
    # Here self() returns the PID of the caller
    send(server_pid, {:todos, self(), date})
    receive do
      {:todo_entries, entries} -> entries
    after 5000 ->
      {:error, :timeout}
  def list(server_pid)
    # Here self() returns the PID of the caller
    send(server_pid, {:list, self()})
    receive do
      {:todo_list, list} -> list
    after 5000 ->
      {:error, :timeout}

The caller PID should be passed so our server knows where to send the response, notice that the after clause will return a timeout error after 5 seconds if no response is received, this will unblock our caller process in case something goes wrong.

That’s the first part of our Server Process, let’s add the second one.


The server part is where our implementation lives, these functions should be hidden to the clients and the only way to interact with them should be client section’s functions. That’s why all these functions will be declared as private with the defp keyword.

Let’s start by creating the most important function on our server, the loop function. This function is the one that keeps our Server Process running continuously, keeps the Todo List instance as the server’s state and receives all server’s messages, it then delegates messages computation to helper functions.

Let’s create it:

# todo.exs
defmodule TodoServer do
  defp loop(current_list) do
    new_list = receive do
      message ->
        process_message(current_list, message)

A lot is happening here, first notice the function receives a paramenter which contains the Todo List. Remember that when we started our server TodoServer.start the initial list is just a struct created by TodoList.new.

When the loop function is called it will wait to receive a message, when received it will delegate the computing to the process_message function (which we’ll implement next) passing the current state (the current Todo List) and the message received.

The response from this function is then saved to the new_list variable, and when we have this variable we can then use recursion to call loop again with the new Todo List, updating our server’s state.

Notice we’re using tail recursion here, so calling loop again won’t need more memory, and while the process is waiting for a message no CPU resources are used, making Elixir’s processes very cheap to create and use.

Now let’s implement the process_message function, remember our client implementation can send different types of messages, if we want to create an entry the {:add_todo, todo} message is passed, and if we want the full list we pass the {:list, self()} message. So we need our function to compute what we expect according to the message it received, and for this we’ll use different clauses:

# todo.exs
defmodule TodoServer do
  defp process_message(todo_list, {:add_todo, new_todo}) do
    TodoList.add_todo(todo_list, new_todo)
  defp process_message(todo_list, {:update_todo, id, updater}) do
    TodoList.update_todo(todo_list, id, updater)
  defp process_message(todo_list, {:delete_todo, id}) do
    TodoList.delete_todo(todo_list, id)
  defp process_message(todo_list, {:todos, caller, date}) do
    send(caller, {:todo_entries, TodoList.todos(todo_list, date)})
  defp process_message(todo_list, {:list, caller}) do
    send(caller, {:todo_list, todo_list})
  defp process_message(todo_list, _) do

All our clauses receive the current list as the todo_list parameter, and a different message, by pattern matching the message we know exactly what to compute. The last implementation returns the current list in case an unknown message is passed. Notice how most of the inner functionality is delegated to the TodoList module, which is in charge of the data abstraction.

It’s very importat that every implementation of the process_message function returns a new or the same Todo List, because remember our loop function will expect it and pass it to the recursion call.


This is how basic Server Processes work in Elixir, we can start multiple TodoServer processes and each will have a different Todo List as it’s state and work concurrently.

The OTP helper GenServer is an abstraction of this, with less boilerplate and more functionality, but it relays on recursion as well to keep the process running continuously. That’s why it’s important to know how Server Processes work internally and their pitfalls, like becoming a bottleneck for our app, but that’s something for another post.

You can now start an iex session in your terminal with our todo.exs file and start using our Server Processes.

iex todo.exs

iex(1)> server_pid = TodoServer.start